시험자를 위한 Medidata Classic Rave EDC 필수 코스(데이터 입력 포함)


This training course is intended for Principal Investigators who work on clinical trials. This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of how to use Rave to carry out your specific responsibilities during the data collection and management process. For example, you will learn how to:

• Navigate within the Classic Rave EDC module
• Identify the tools and methods to manage subjects

• Enter and edit data in Rave

• Identify and apply the tools and methods to sign eCRFs

글로벌 교육 트레이닝 세션을 녹화하는 행위는 엄격하게 금지되어 있습니다. 트레이닝을 녹화하려고 시도할 경우, 녹화가 종료될 때까지 트레이닝이 즉시 중단됩니다.

Course Type



Site Personnel


25 min


English, Japanese, 중국어(만다린), 한국어, 한국어


Rave EDC

How To Register

Select the date and location to proceed to the registration and payment form.