Medidata Blog

Meet a Medidatian: Jessica S., Account Executive and Nature Photographer

Feb 12, 2021 - 3 min read
Meet a Medidatian: Jessica S., Account Executive and Nature Photographer

Meet Jessica, who helps mid-market sponsors by leading a team of specialists and solution consultants to provide custom software solutions that reduce cost and accelerate growth for Medidata clients.

Hometown: Perth Amboy, NJ

Currently live: Edison, NJ

Years at Medidata? Almost two years now.

Why did you join Medidata? Medidata’s mission spoke to me. Being a small part of cutting edge treatments and the growth opportunities offered made it an easy choice.

Where did you work before Medidata? I worked at a global pharmaceutical communications company. 

What is your favorite part of being a Medidatian? The amount of resources that Medidata provides to make my job easier, including my amazing coworkers, the quarterly check-ins that assure we stay on track, and the Solutions Innovation Lab that allows us to volunteer, learn, and grow beyond our designated roles.

What is your favorite project or moment during your time at Medidata? I was fortunate enough to see a very large project come to fruition for one of our sponsors, one which ultimately made patient lives easier. This project was executed on an accelerated timeline, and I am grateful that I was able to help the lives of these patients by extension.

What's your advice for others looking for opportunities in sales? Concentrate on listening and realize that there is always something more to learn and improve upon. Put your ego aside and listen. Always.

How does your work/role help solve the impossible? Nothing is impossible. With great thanks to our customers, colleagues, and partners in life sciences for their triumph in delivering COVID-19 vaccines faster than anyone thought possible, I have been reminded of my own potential. It is my job to find a solution to my clients' problems, and I take that responsibility very seriously. I provide customers with the opportunity to find the best products that will accelerate their clinical trials and offer the ability to scale and control their data.

What's your favorite Medidata perk or benefit? Medidata offers some of the best benefits that I’ve received in my career. It is too difficult to pick just one. The fact that we have business resource groups (for LGBT, Women of Color, military ect.) within the organization is so heartening. To be a part of implementing change and making a difference in the world is amazing. Our insurance is top tier, and the continuing education classes offered are the best! 

What are your hobbies? I am a nature photographer. I love taking photos, using different lenses and angles to tell a story from a new point of view. 

What color best describes you and why? Green. It’s the color of growth. I am always looking to grow and improve in all aspects of my life.

What is your genre of music? I love 80s music! It is upbeat and always puts me in a good mood. Plus, it’s a little before my time which helps me delude myself into feeling young.

Where is your favorite place on Earth? Maui, Hawaii is my favorite place on Earth. I love how peaceful and vibrant the scenery is. 

What has been your favorite age and why? Twenty-five was a great age. I was able to travel all over the world with my best friend

What is something unique about you that few people know? I consider myself highly perceptive and intuitive. This has come in handy throughout my life but I am especially proud of the fact that it has allowed me to hold the record for the Texas Hold’em Vacation Tournament in my family. It’s good to keep your priorities straight.

What’s your favorite quote? “Never allow a person to tell you no who doesn’t have the power to say yes.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

Our Medidatians are all unique and amazing in their own ways. In our Meet a Medidatian series, we introduce you to Medidata employees from all over the world and share some interesting, fun, and surprising facts about what makes them who they are. Check out the full series.

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