Commercial Data Management

The early stages of a commercial drug launch are fraught with pivotal decisions, often made by lean teams with limited data. Medidata AI provides our customers with the infrastructure and expertise needed to acquire and analyze the right commercial data to answer key questions in the months leading up to a drug launch.

Benefits of Commercial Data Management

Finding Patients

Identify patients at the HCP level using: Claims, Electronic Medical Records (EMR), clinical trial data, and genomics. Analysis of closed claims yields the patient journey. Apply the treatment journey to HCP-identified data to stratify opportunity by patient. Segment HCPs and use differentiated messaging. Optimize call planning and frequency using AI.

Initiating Therapy

Remove barriers to treatment with near-real-time script tracking using: Specialty data, Claims, EMR, and patient services data. Deploy triggers that identify barriers to access and opportunities for physician and HCP engagement. Mitigate patient out-of-pocket costs through patient services data integration.

Maximizing Patient Adherence

Maximize patient adherence with a data-centric approach using: Claims, EMR, wearables, and clinical trial data. Use predictive modelling to mitigate adverse events through targeted messaging for Sales teams and MSLs at the HCP level. Identify risk factors by physician sediment for proactive outreach. Enable patients to take charge and give manufacturers more data through Direct-to-Patient applications (e.g. smartphone and wearables).

Configurable & Interoperable

Our configurable, out-of-box commercial data management solution aggregates, integrates, and analyzes data to find answers to vital business questions. We’ve designed it to be flexible and modular, while emphasizing interoperability and security. We can easily integrate our solution into your existing data environment to enhance your data aggregation capabilities and resolve ongoing quality, accuracy, or timeliness issues.

Automated Process

Automating the ingestion, quality assurance, application of business rules, and syndication of data from up to 300 disparate data sources allows clients to get more value out of their data faster and more efficiently.

Commercial Data Management Products

STRATA Platform

STRATA Commercial Data Management Platform

Medidata AI’s STRATA® data platform enables commercial data to be aggregated, integrated and analyzed to find answers to vital business questions. The solution offers enterprise-grade scalability and analytical horsepower designed to create insights for companies without sacrificing the control and flexibility of a custom-built solution.

LUMEN Insights

LUMEN Insights

Data Visualization That Accelerates Time to Peak Performance – LUMEN® is a turnkey solution for data visualization across the enterprise. Find accurate answers to critical questions using our vast library of report templates. Medidata AI designed the templates to provide the most relevant metrics and visualizations for key business questions, based on 15+ years of experience and partnerships with industry-leading data providers.

Commercial Data Model

STRATA Commercial Data Model

Commercial organizations must be ready to pivot on the fly in response to rapidly changing market and regulatory conditions. Medidata AI has developed an out-of-the-box data model that is robust, flexible, and scalable. Medidata AI’s commercial data model provides our customers with the data-driven insights required to respond to changing landscapes and which also works seamlessly with a variety of business intelligence tools.

Master Data Management

STRATA Master Data Management

A robust enterprise linkage of all customer, affiliation, payer, product, services, and patient master records that ensures accuracy, stewardship, and consistency across all users and use cases.


Medidata AI Supports Rare Disease Launch

This biopharmaceutical company develops treatments for small populations of patients dealing with rare and ultra-rare diseases. Given the company’s commitment to serving such targeted populations, significant investments must be made to understand prescriber and patient trends. 

Maximize Brand Value with a Technology-First Approach

This ebook focuses on how data and analytics can be incorporated into your commercialization strategy to gain competitive advantage, create differentiation, and achieve commercial success.

Medidata AI Commercial Data Solutions Supports 40% of US Drug Launches through June 2021

Read this blog post on Specialty Drug Therapies and Commercial Launch Success.

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