Tigermed Consulting Co., Ltd

Tigermed Consulting Co., Ltd

泰格医药(股票代码:300347.SZ/3347.HK)是行业领先的一体化生物医药研发服务平台,为全球制药和医疗器械行业提供跨越全周期的创新研发解决方案。通过全面的服务体系和顶尖的质量标准,我们助力生物医药产业提升研发效率、降低研发风险,确保研究项目高质量交付,加速医药产品市场化进程,履行对行业和患者的承诺。同时,我们也通过覆盖各领域的 100 多家子公司,打造赋能全产业链的创新生态,推动医疗产业创新和发展。作为全球化的研发平台,泰格医药在全球布局 180 多个办事处和分支机构,拥有超过 9,500 人的专业团队,覆盖 5 大洲的 54 个国家,致力于解决最具挑战的全球健康问题,满足患者的未尽医疗需求,创造社会价值,造福人类健康。

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  • APAC
  • Australia
  • Europe
  • North America

Therapeutic Areas

  • Bone / Osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular
  • CNS
  • Dental and Oral Health
  • Dermatology
  • Diabetes
  • Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Genetic Diseases
  • Hematology
  • Hepatology
  • Immunology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Inflammation
  • Internal Diseases
  • Metabolic Diseases
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Nutrition and Health
  • Obstetrics / Gynecology
  • Oncology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngology/ENT (Ear/Nose/Throat)
  • Pediatrics / Neonatology
  • Pharmacology / Toxicology
  • Podiatry
  • Psychiatry
  • Pulmonary
  • Respiratory
  • Rheumatology
  • Sleep
  • Surgery
  • Thrombosis
  • Urology
  • Vaccines


Partners are trained on the functionality of the Coder application, process optimization, and scope of Coder services. This Accreditation teaches Partners to integrate the medical coding solution with EDC studies and administer Coder segments. Coder Accreditation is dependent on the successful completion of the Rave EDC accreditation.
Partners are trained on the functionality of the electronic data capture (EDC) and clinical data management (CDM) system, process optimization exercises and scope of Medidata Rave services. This Accreditation teaches the staff to perform end user training, user and site administration, study build, reporting, outputs and amendment manager.
Partners are trained on the functionality of the RTSM Application, process optimization, best practices using RTSM, and scope of RTSM services. This Accreditation teaches Partners to conduct randomization and clinical trial supply management services (RTSM). RTSM Accreditation is dependent on the successful completion of the Rave EDC Accreditation.
Partners are trained on the functionality of the targeted source document verification (TSDV) application, process optimization, and scope of TSDV services. This Accreditation teaches Partners to implement TSDV in line with regulatory compliance and data quality strategies. TSDV Accreditation is dependent on the successful completion of the Rave EDC Accreditation.